We believe sharing is caring
I'm so excited to share with you some of my favorite items and brands that I absolutely love and use in my own journey. These are products that have helped me grow a successful business, make an impact in my community, and inspire others along the way.
Customer Relationship Manager to help you book clients more efficiently and stay organized in your processes.
Use my code: STAYSHINING and get HoneyBook for 50% off!
Manage your clients and automate your workflow so you can run your business with ease.
I’ve been using Dubsado since they started and it’s how I stay organized with my business.
Use my code: STAYSHINING and get 20% off your first year!
ThriveCart is the easiest checkout tool I’ve used to support all my offers.
What I love is that it’s a one time fee and you have the tool for life.
Make sure you clear your cookies before using my link so they can allocate the credit to me!

Sharing is caring and I want you to enjoy these brands as much as I do! Thank you for using my affiliate codes
Of course you know I travel a ton because I live between two places and my family is all spread out. So I’d say I’m a pretty seasoned traveler. Here are my fave must haves for being outside of your casita.
This Latina owned brand is magical and I love all their products, my favorite is their moisturizing botanical bar as it comes in a bar and you can get it through TSA without any issues.
Use my code: STAYSHINING15 and get 15% off your order!
After walking the streets of major cities and me being from Mexico City, I’m always aware of my surroundings. It’s better to be safe than sorry and Birdie is a personal safety alarm you can carry with you anywhere you go.
Use my code: STAYSHINING10 and get 10% off your order!
Well, if you know anything about me you know I love me some coffee and I really love it when it comes with mushrooms. I mean, I have a whole page dedicated to this brand so it’s clear I’m in love with their products.
Use my code: STAYSHINING and get 10% off your order
A note on affiliate links
As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This program is designed to provide support for us by earning a small commission at no additional cost to you.
By clicking on my links and/or using my affiliate codes and making a purchase within a certain time frame (this depends on the company), I’ll earn a small commission from your purchase. This commission is paid from the retailer and I am never told who bought what, the retailer simply sends a report of purchases used with my code and my commission percentage.
Every company you see here I have used and loved and I’m always careful when I share products with you.
Using my links not only supports Cafe con Pam, but also lets retailers know my work is being seen by others which in turn allows for other opportunities to come.
Thank you so much for supporting!
Well, as you can imagine I’ve had almost every podcast tool you can imagine. While I consider myself techie, I am not a sound engineer AAAAND I’ve figured out how to do audio the best for me. Here are the things I’m currently digging for podcasting.
Shure Mic
This is currently my favorite mic. It’s obviously Shure which means the sounds is crisp and clear.
This mic comes with a compatible stand which is useful if you’re building your podcast equipment and don’t have an arm yet.
Price ranges between $225 and $169 depending on the sales they’re running
iXTECH Boom Arm
This is my favorite boom arm, I have had many types of boom arms and this one is the one that has lasted the longest and has worked the best.
I use the C-clamp because of the way my desk is set up, but it also has the grommet mounting in case you want to place it in the middle of your table.
I love how stable it is and the strength it has to support my mic throughout hours of talking.
The ranges between $80 and $75 depending on the sales they’re running
Riverside FM
Because 99.9% of Cafe con Pam interviews are done virtually, I use Riverside to record the interviews and also intros to the show.
What I love is that the video quality is recorded at 4k regardless of internet connection.
Their plans start at $0 for 1 studio and two hours or recording time, to $24 per month for 15 hours of audio.
Because of the amount of interviews we do, we’re on the Creator plan $24 per month to take advantage of all their features.
The world’s first portable podcast studio!
I first met Nomono at Podcast Movement and I fell in love with the sound capsule.
I’ve now partnered up with them to bring you incredible audio on the go in good Cafe con Pam fashion.
If you’re looking for the easiest way to create content outside of the studio, definitely check out Nomono.