Remedios List 2024
In every episode of Café con Pam, we ask our guests to share a natural remedio their families have been practicing for generations. From calming drinks to body treatments and grounding exercises, these remedios reflect the traditions, self-care practices, and unique perspectives of our podcast guests. We've compiled a list of the ones shared during 2024 to inspire your journey toward holistic wellness.
Check out each remedio below 👇🏼
#341 - Empowering Our Narratives with Natalia Molina
“My remedio is the power of meditation. I started meditating almost 10 years ago. I tried to do it on my own. I'm someone who's very much into outer accountability. So, I finally took a workshop on it and there's no other way to say it: changed my life.”
#344 - Immigrant Resilience and Self-Compassion with Dr. Sonila Sejdaras
“When you're in the midst of the conflict and don't want to do something or say something that you will regret later on, I have 3 steps. The first step is remove yourself. But, of course, let the person know ‘I need a break’. Second, calm yourself through through deep, deep, deep breathing exercises. And third, then within 24 hours, if possible, address the topic in a more calm, cool, and collected way.”
#346 - Insight on Investing, Education, and Breaking Barriers with Dr. Kelli DuCloux
“I like to have people recalibrate their thinking in terms of money. We are we are trapped into the rat race at a early age. As soon as we go get a job, we start buying stuff with that money. And then now we have to keep the job to pay for the car or the apartment or the house or whatever. So my remedy is take the time to figure out what can you get rid of in your life in terms of stuff that's gonna be holding you to money? So because when you're beholden to the stuff that requires the money, then you're beholden to the job that gives you the money to pay for the stuff.”
#351 - The Power of Pivoting with Marisa Ybarra-Williams
“Anytime I am struggling, I go off running. It's not fast. I'm a very slow runner. Okay? But I have my favorite playlist, and I have different playlist for different reasons. But there's something about being out in nature and the smells and the feeling and by yourself that every single time I'm struggling my husband will know that part of I must be in the middle of something because all of a sudden I'm running every single day. So whatever that is for people, like, they're find your you time, your you space.”
#353 - Breaking the Cycle of Debt with Mayra García
#354 - Environmental Advocacy and Community Empowerment with Liz Hurtado
“It's probably so timely right now as I'm battling this throat thing. In my region, in Peru, Bolivia, they do this, but it's so simple as just, you know, mashing cebolla with a little bit of sugar, and you just spoon that into your mouth like syrup or like honey. That is something that gets me through the day probably more than any of the medicines that I have tried, and I've tried them all.”
#355 - Remixing Legal Life, Identity, and Mental Health with Siria Gutierrez
“My tres leches, it’s a labor of love, and if I make you tres leches, I love you. I make my nicaragüense tres leches, it's very moist, and it is just it's one of those things that I feel like it is me pouring myself into it because it is a labor of love to make that cake, and it is the only recipe that I know from scratch.”
#356 - Exploring Intersectionality: A Writer's Journey with Andrew Boryga
“I mean, Vicks. It's like so cliche, but it's true. You know? Like, it's for your nose. You have stuffiness. You got a cough, you rub on your chest. You know? It's calming.”
#357 - From Biology to Cannabis Industry with Laura Similien
“This is what we do in Dominican Republic. So if you have a stomachache, if you have an upset stomach, you're just not feeling yourself, you take a little bit of water and you pour a little bit of baking soda and you drink that, instant relief.”
#359 - Embracing Motherhood and Cultural Identity with Katia Reguero Lindor
“It's the go-to in my family. I remember my grandma always saying, like, if she would hear me having a cough or something, she'd be like, oh, tea with honey and lemon. And my uncle one time I was sick, I was at his house, and he prepared me literally the same, like, tea with honey and lemon. And I realized it's something that's, like, being passed on because I do that for myself. And now I'm gonna probably do that with my kids too.”
#363 - Embracing the Outsider Advantage with Ciera Rogers
“My mom, when she first started getting sick, she would do, like, olive oil cleanses to clear out. So that's my relationship with olive oil. She would drink it. It's really, really bad. But if you drink it, you're gonna clear out.”
#367 - Turning Struggles into Success with Dr. Peter Rios
“I think prayer, you know. I go back to that, like and for me, prayer, daily prayer, reflection, meditation, even journaling has been so, vital for me to to keep, to be sane, actually. Because my mind can go a gazillion ways. And having ADHD, I think that I struggle with, you know, some similar in terms of focus. So that meditation, that prayer, that really helps me to focus. So I would say if you've never tried that, please start.”
#373 - From Corporate Identity to Empowerment with Criss Madrigal
“This is not gonna be your typical remedio, but it's something that my family lives by. And in a way, it's a remedy of the heart, and it's forgiveness”
#374 - Dare to Leap with Victoria Jenn Rodriguez
“Swallow honey and lemon when you got a sore throat. Or hop on a flight and take yourself away from it all. That's always a good remedy. But just remember, like, even though you hop on that flight, the problem's still gonna be there when you get back. So just make sure you address what you need to address when you do hop on that flight.”
#376 - Strength in Authenticity with Elaine Lin Hering
“Sleep. Sleep solves so many things or at least increases our capacity to deal with so many things.”
#377 - Unveiling Community Stories with Juan Diego Ramirez
“Cuando estoy teniendo un ataque de ansiedad, lo primero que hago es decirle a mi mente qué es lo que está pasando. Saber primero calmarme, tratar de agarrar mis pensamientos, no pensar mucho, tratar de encontrarme a mí mismo y empezar a pensar cosas bonitas, cosas felices, cosas que me hacen reír, y enfocarme en mi respiro. Respirar lentamente, no tratar de agitarme.”
378 - Breaking Money Cycles: Financial Freedom with Luzy King
“When I don't feel good is get close to nature. In our community, when we're sick, it's always like, get the blankets. It's like, no. Get outside. Get close to nature because that will help you feel 100% better.”
382 - Crafting Your Path with Carolina Trejos
“You have to eat a lentil soup every first of the month because lentejas are supposed to be los granos de la abundancia, or, like, it's supposed to bring you abundance. So if you eat a plate of lentejas every first of the month, you're supposed to bring in abundance, and your finances are gonna go very well.”
386 - Del Campo a La Radio con Gustavo Acosta
“Es bien importante estar conscientes de lo corta que es la vida. Todos los días. Con sus altas, con sus bajas. Yo sé que ese comentario o ese mensaje está muy trillado, pero a veces se nos olvida. Y yo le recomiendo mucho a todo mundo la fe. Si tenemos fe, no es que se va a solucionar la vida por arte de magia, pero cuando tu abrazas la fe con todas las fuerzas del mundo no llegarán las soluciones solas, pero llegan.”
388 - Choosing The Miracle with Ilona Pamplona
I will say in my house, a remedio was always agua de Florida. Like, we live with Florida water. I have Florida water in spray format now. Like, we would go to get a test and my mom would put agua de Florida. We didn't feel well, agua de Florida. Alguien te dijo algo mal, agua de Florida. So I will say that's the energetic remedio in my house.
389 - First-Generation Financial Lessons with Gigi Gonzalez
“I don't know if this is common or is this just in my family. So in my family, when we have a burn, so if we, like, touch something hot or something like that, we put mustard on the burn.“
391 - Shaking Up the Coffee World with Martin Mayorga
“The old one, which I'm sure is very common in Latin America, is just the onion on the feet when you have a cough or congested or you're sick. I had a cut on my foot that was getting infected y mi suegra made a concoction of blended garlic, honey, onions, and then I was, soaking my feet and it actually worked. I think garlic is actually pretty magical.”