Discover the Rhythm of Latine Voices: Top 15 Latine Podcasts to Tune into Today!

Let’s embark on a journey that celebrates diversity, supports communities, and ignites inspiration.

Look no further! We have curated an electrifying list of the top 15 Latine podcasts for your listening pleasure. As we dive deep into Hispanic Heritage Month, what better way to honor our vibrant culture than by amplifying these incredible voices?

In this digital age where everyone has a story worth sharing, podcasts provide us with an intimate space to connect and learn from each other's experiences. So gather 'round as we explore a treasure trove bursting with entrepreneurial wisdom, first-generation tales, mental health discussions that destigmatize seeking support, and true crime stories – all delivered straight from passionate Change-Makers who are making waves and shining their light in their respective fields.

Let’s talk Money

1. [Debt-Free Latina]: Financial coach Mayra Alejandra Garcia as she teaches how to grow your net worth and become a Debt-Free Latina! The purpose of this show is to inspire and motivate you to pursue your financial goals and be wise with your money.

2. [Her Dinero Matters]: Her Dinero Matters is a bilingual podcast for women who want to become reinas of their money and love their dinero more. Join Jen Hemphill, a former extreme frugalist turned reina of your money advocate each week for your dose of money confidence. You will hear down-to-earth interviews and panel discussions from la comunidad Latina as well as solo episodes sharing simple actionable tips and strategies which you can implement right away.

Let’s Expand Our Journey

3. [Vive Remarkable]: Pals Charles te guiará en un viaje transformador para elevar tu espíritu y despertar tu potencial interior.

Cada episodio está diseñado para inspirarte y ayudarte a agregar un toque especial a tu vida diaria. Sumérgete en temas poderosos que te enseñarán cómo manejar la negatividad y superar el miedo, permitiéndote conectarte con tu voz interior y aumentar tu nivel de consciencia.

Descubrirás herramientas prácticas que te ayudarán a reconstruirte desde adentro y crear la vida que realmente amas. Además, no te pierdas nuestras emocionantes entrevistas con líderes de pensamiento modernos y liberadores. Aprenderás los principios fundamentales de la Mentalidad Positiva , la Fe Absoluta y la Ley de Atracción claves para alcanzar el éxito en todos los aspectos de tu vida, tanto personal como profesional.

4. [Life Whispers]: Life Whispers shares the inspiring stories of people just like you and me. Stories from those who have overcome a struggle, are finding the courage to start a new business, have impacted someone's lives for the better, failed and are now trying again. People across all decades, all geographies, all life circumstances with stories that will be able to ignite in us the fuel of motivation and inspiration and change our lives. Join me on this journey because... everyone has a story. All we have to do is listen.

5. [Chicana Chisme]: This isn't your tias chisme! Ever wonder why Mexican American history isn’t taught in school? Or why we aren’t openly given important resources to thrive? Chicana Chisme will teach you some history, introduce you to gente doing amazing things, and helpful resources for a variety of issues! Stay Brown Gente!

6. [The Wine and Chisme]: The Wine & Chisme Podcast was created to share the stories of everyday people doing extraordinary things to serve their community. Our host, Jessica Yañez brings her love for wine and passion for storytelling together to highlight the stories that need to be told in communities of color. Chisme (Spanish for gossip) comes from the interviewees themselves as they "spill the wine" on their own terms. So grab a glass of wine and join us for the new Wednesday.

7. [Mamas con Ganas]: Podcast bilingüe de desarrollo personal y empoderamiento para la mujer Latina. Desarrolla una mentalidad de éxito y liderazgo. Cultiva tu amor propio y supera tus miedos. Atrae abundancia y conviértete en mujer empoderada. Transforma tus dramas en Ganas con tu coach de vida motivadora, Valentina Izarra. This is a bilingual self-improvement podcast for Latinas. Develop a mindset for success and leadership. Cultivate self-love and overcome your fears. Attract abundance and become empowered and self-made. Turn your dramas into Ganas with your motivational coach, Valentina Izarra.

8. [The Fearless Mujer]: I'm Micaela - Author, Speaker, Latina Life & Podcast Coach, and the founder of Fearless Mujer. Girl, for many years life knocked me down so much that I feared I would never be the woman I was meant to be. But as God's daughter I know that I'm not meant to live in fear. So when I speak about being fearless, I'm not talking about not being afraid. I'm talking about Fearing-Less on this beautiful life journey that can sometimes feel messy. But, the most valuable thing I've learned on my life journey is that sometimes your setback is a steppingstone to something greater, because sometimes what is meant to destroy you becomes what prepares you to lead and empower those around you. - And girl I'm a living testimony! - You can read part of my story in my book "Dear Fearless Mujer, You Were Created for More" So Mujer, come join for real, raw, and honest conversations with authentic women who will lift you up, encourage you, and will keeo it real with you, because we don't sugarcoat anything over here!

Girl, this isn't your ordinary podcast - The Fearless Mujer is a sisterhood and you have a seat at this table! So Amiga grab your Cafecito and come be part of conversations that truly matter. Together we are unstoppable!

9. [Girl Talk y Mas]: A podcast created to empower women and share their stories of triumph, success and sometimes failure. No matter the road, we all strive to be our best! Girl Talk y Más is a place to celebrate our women-hood and engage in a community of positive, real and empowering women! Stop by and chat with us anytime!

Let’s Share Our Stories From Our Perspectives

10. [Hella Latin@]: Hella Latin@ is a platform for Latinos to tell their story and share their unique, emotional and empowering experiences that come with being both Latino/a/x and a first-generation American. My hope is to show the beauty in our many cultures and create a space for vulnerable conversations. So go grab your cafesito and semita! And get ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired by our community every week.

11. [Word to Your Mama]: Word to Your Mama, the podcast that amplifies diverse voices and celebrates shared experiences. Hosted by Ritzy Periwinkle, a Latina creative with a background in art, music, and web3 industries, this show brings you a vibrant blend of conversations, laughter, and realness. Part of the Latina Podcasters Network. New episodes every Monday.

12. [Cafe con Pam]: Cafe con Pam is the weekly podcast featuring fearless Latine/x and People of The Global Majority that break barriers, change lives and make the world a better place while living in the US. Cafe con Pam is the platform where Latine/x are able to share their stories and inspire one another through conversations about mindful productivity, business, and liberation. Of course, while enjoying a fabulous cup of coffee.

13. [Cuento Crimen]: A true crime podcast in both Spanish and English. Empezamos este podcast porque nadie esta hablando de estos casos en Español y especificamente para traer mas atenecion a los casos de minorities that don’t get much media attention. Y queremos informar a nuestra communidad para que sepan los derechos por si alguin dia se encuentran en situaciones como las que vamos hablar aqui en este podcast. So come join us as we talk about both past and present true crime cases.

Let’s Get the Chisme on True Crime

14. [Make Me Whole]: Join licensed therapist Joset Rosado on the Make Me Whole podcast, where the focus is on personal growth and managing the intense emotions involved in conflict, relationships, and progress. She shares personal experiences and discusses how to protect and nurture mental and emotional health, especially for members of the Latinx community and other underserved groups. Come spend some time investing in yourself, and get some practical suggestions and inspiration to help your individual spirit manage and maintain its overall mental well-being.

Please remember: Joset is a therapist, but she is not YOUR therapist. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered mental health advice or a diagnosis. Neither Joset Rosado nor Corazon Community Counseling, Inc. is responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. Please reach out to a licensed mental health professional with any concerns or questions about your particular situation.

Let’s Talk Salud Mental

15. [El Hombre de Hoy]: Bienvenidos a "El Hombre de Hoy". Mi nombre es Ricardo Rivera, director del proyecto Voices of Brotherhood, y en este Podcast estaré indagando en todo lo que rodea al "ser un hombre": su autoconocimiento, el cuestionamiento de paradigmas obsoletos, la gestión emocional, la sexualidad y las herramientas de comunicación que requerimos para llevar relaciones plenas, tanto con quienes nos rodean, como con nuestro entorno y sobre todo, nosotros mismos. ¡Espero este espacio te sea muy nutritivo!

Whether you're looking for guidance in entrepreneurship or simply want stories that uplift spirits during those long commutes or walks around town or cuando limpias on Sunday mornings, these carefully selected gems will leave you feeling inspired after every episode!

As Hispanic Heritage Month unfolds before us let's remember how essential it is not only to celebrate but also embrace diverse perspectives year-round! Just a reminder we exist 365 days of the year. These fantastic Latine podcasts effortlessly blend entertainment and education while working on their creations throughout the year.

Grab a cozy spot, put on those headphones (or ask Alexa to play your fave pod – it's entirely up to you!), and let these captivating voices transport you into their world.

As you expand your library during Hispanic Heritage Month or any month really because who needs restrictions when inspiration knows no bounds? Remember, every episode listened contributes towards building bridges across communities as we continue to open doors for future generations to come!

Got other pod recommendations? Share them below👇🏽

Happy listening! 🎧✨


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